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Faculty Research Opportunities

51±¾É«-Based Opportunities

Summer Faculty Stipends: These stipends are provided each summer on a competitive basis for the following types of faculty activities: workshops, research-related travel and/or expenses, continuing professional education and creative activities and/or presentations at conferences. Contact the Office of Academic Affairs for more information. Deadline: Early January of each year. Selections are competitive (Faculty Professional Interests Committee). Faculty receiving summer stipends are required to file a short report after the conclusion of the project and prior to reimbursement for expenses. Refer to the Faculty Handbook for application materials.

Faculty/Student Summer Program for Collaborative Research and Creative Endeavors: Each year several faculty members may be selected for summer stipends to support scholarly or creative activities with students. Students work as a research team or work with a faculty member in a creative activity. Faculty members and students receive stipends for their work. Stipend amounts are determined annually. Students are expected to present their research findings or their creative activity at the annual Student Creativity Day, Fiat Lux, each fall at 51±¾É«. For further information, contact the Office of Academic Affairs. Deadline: early January of each year.

Sabbaticals: Refer to the Faculty Handbook for full information and application procedures for sabbaticals. In general, the following expectations apply: (1) sabbatical proposals may be made by faculty who have served seven years of full-time employment with the college; (2) prior evidence of professional and personal commitment to the proposed project must be demonstrated; (3) an identified benefit to the college and the colleague in one area or more of teaching, scholarship and/or campus service must be demonstrated; (4) a defined and measurable result or outcome must be identified. Typically up to four sabbaticals may be granted in each academic year. Deadline: November 1. Faculty are required to file a report on their sabbatical activities and will participate in the Fall Faculty Forum.

Divisional Travel Funds: Contact the Division Chair to determine deadlines for applying for travel funds. These funds are allocated annually for travel to professional meetings and conferences. Certain restrictions apply concerning meal expenses, mileage allowances, and lodging maximums. Receipts are required for reimbursement in all cases.

Presentation Grants: Contact the Vice President for Academic Affairs for additional travel funds to support faculty members who are presenting invited addresses, refereed conference papers, poster displays, commentaries, or work based on creative endeavors. A memorandum requesting support (supplying information about the meeting, presentation, and projected costs) should be sent to the Dean's Office in advance of the travel.

Web Sites for Outside Sources

Please Consult the Library or Office of Advancement for Access to the On-Line Foundations Directory.

  • The College Consortium for International Studies offers various programs throughout the year:
  • Fulbright Scholars program and Scholars in Residence program: Related site:
  • National Association of International Educators faculty overseas experiences:
  • National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipends:
  • Rockefeller Foundation grants:
  • The Chronicle of Higher Education listing of grant opportunities.
  • The Council on International Education Exchange: Faculty Development Seminars:
  • The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars:
  • International Agencies Working Group:
  • Obermann Fellowships for Summer Research Seminars:

Florida Humanities Council

If you haven't checked the Florida Humanities Council postings on their web page, you may be pleasantly surprised. The Council sponsors a Speaker's Bureau that provides speakers to non-profit organizations throughout the state. The cost is nominal. The Council also sponsors mini-grants and humanist fellowships to individuals and non-profit organizations. Their web site is

National Endowment for the Humanities

New postings, deadlines, and applications are posted periodically on the web site of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Grant opportunities that might be of interest to 51±¾É« faculty include: challenge grants, collaborative research, humanities focus groups, seminars and institutes, and preservation grants (research tools, reference works). The site is very user-friendly--describing each of the programs and including application forms that can be down-loaded. Of particular help is the section for each grant that gives examples of successfully funded proposals. The web site is

National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowships.

These fellowships are designed to promote scholarship in the United States and abroad on matters relevant to the improvement of education in all its forms. Application forms and further information are available at their web site:

Smithsonian Institution In-Residence Fellowships and Senior Fellowships

In-Residence fellowships for research and study are offered in the following fields: animal behavior, ecology, environmental science, physiology, evolutionary biology, molecular biology, systemic biology, anthropology, astrophysics and astronomy, earth sciences and paleontology, folklife, history of science and technology, art history, materials research and social and cultural history of the United States. Senior Fellowships are in the amount of $30,000 per year plus allowances. They are designated for scholars who are more than seven years beyond the Ph.D. The term is three to twelve months. Contact the Office of Fellowships at the Smithsonian Institution, 750 9th Street, NW, Suite 9300, Washington, DC 20560-0902. Or download applications from the web at

Stanford Humanities Center

The sponsor provides support for research in humanistic issues. There are six to eight fellowships available each year. The fellowship is designed to offer research opportunities both to members of humanities departments as traditionally defined and to other scholars seriously interested in humanistic issues. Faculty fellowships are awarded across the spectrum of academic ranks (assistant, associate and full professor). See . The deadline is in October.